National Human Trafficking Prevention Month Red Flag Awareness Campaign Launched

The information resource is part of a more extensive awareness campaign the organization is conducting to help people become more aware of the significant red flags and warning signs of human trafficking and modern slavery. Made for Freedom has launched this new campaign ahead of January, National Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

More information is available at

While many Americans may think of human trafficking as a global problem that does not affect the United States, the latest reports from the US Department of State paint a very different picture. As a result, Made for Freedom has launched its new information resource in light of these reports, which showcase that there are more than 24.9 million victims worldwide at any given time and that many of these end up in the US, being compelled into forced labor, domestic servitude, and commercial sex.

With innocent men, women, and children all trafficked in the United States, Made For Freedom believes that everyday citizens can work to eradicate this blight if they are educated about the signs of trafficking.

As such, their education and awareness campaign focuses on teaching people from all walks of life about the red flags of human trafficking, with the goal that more awareness will lead to more prevention.

As a part of their broader campaign, the social enterprise has released a simple one-sheet PDF that details the most basic signs of human trafficking and advises individuals on what they should do and which organizations they can contact should they believe an adult or child is the victim of human trafficking.

In addition, individuals who want to make a more significant difference in the lives of the world’s many human trafficking victims can purchase artisan wares, clothing, accessories, and jewelry from Made for Freedom’s online store.

Survivors have made all the products they sell of trafficking. This means a safe place to work, a good wage, services, therapy, and the dignity that comes with being able to support oneself.

A spokesperson for Made for Freedom LLC said, “Are you aware of the issue but unsure how to be part of the solution? Frustrated by not knowing how to get involved? Anyone passionate about ending exploitation should have options to get involved. Although we provide several ways to get involved in the fight against human trafficking, purchasing a product from us means you are providing dignified employment for a survivor.”

Check out for any extra info, and download the free PDF of red flags, risk factors, and action items at and join the fight against human trafficking.

Made for Freedom, LLC
6059 Clemens Ave

United States

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