Jeff Bailey announces the launch of his new book, Speaks for Itself

Rockland, Massachusetts — Jeff Bailey is an established author who recently announced the launch of his new book, Speaks for Itself

When it appears that life’s fleeting moments – from the mundane to the surreal – have no words, Bailey demonstrates that what is gleaned from indifference, pain, and pleasure can yield lessons that transcend the incident that prompted the intimate reflection.

At the same time, his poetry embodies the idea that we are more than the sum of our experiences – that there is a measure of gravity to our lives that is timeless and never duplicative, much like a valuable commodity. There are no words for certain experiences.

According to Jeff, it took him around 20 years to write these poems making this a perfect book for anyone who might be skeptical about poetry or reading. In his words, “This is the type of book that can draw non-lovers in and lovers of the poetry genre in general.” What makes this book a worthwhile read is that it skews and avoids a lot of the trappings that novice poets do in their work.

You can see the mouths of the talking heads and figures on the book’s cover, but you can’t see their ears or eyes. Why? Because those who seek a life of ease gossip and do as they please. Contrarily, the book emphasizes the importance of being careful with your words.

Since it is written in poetry and is aimed at those who might be skeptical of poetry and reading it, it is the kind of book that both poetry skeptics and poetry enthusiasts can enjoy together. A reader who loves poetry will enjoy the book more for its literal meanings. This novel is worth your time because of its attention to detail, compelling plot, and surprising turns.

In an interview with Scott Allen, Author Jeff Bailey said, “Even though God sees us all free will and in a painting where he might know what’s going to happen, but still, it’s forever playing out.” He added, “We really shouldn’t beat ourselves up for what we’ve done in the past, what might happen in the future when all we have is now.

Jeff also plans to start his YouTube Channel and use it as a platform to study all public figures in our lives and what we see going on in the news and then offer a commentary or take up the monarch in his own poetic way.  

Speaks for Itself will be hitting all top book publishing platforms this December, including Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes & Noble Press.

For more information or to get more information from the author, email and call 508 857 9959

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