Rootshell Security Releases Guide on How to Carry out a Vulnerability Assessment

Due to the ever-growing cyber threat landscape leading to an uptick in new security vulnerabilities, modern businesses are investing in vulnerability assessment solutions. Injection flaws, weak credentials, cross-site scripting, unpatched software, and ransomware are a few of the growing list of security issues that make organizations extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks.

To help CISOs curb the onslaught of rising security vulnerabilities, Rootshell Security sheds light on the steps of an effective vulnerability assessment execution process in a recent guide.

Vulnerability assessment is the systematic process of scanning an organization’s systems, networks, and applications for security threats.

By enabling IT teams to assert more control over the security holes within their organizations, vulnerability assessments help remediate security flaws before fraudsters can maliciously exploit them.

According to the guide, in this day and age of increasing digital interconnectedness, cybercrime is the biggest threat facing companies and consumers alike. Case in point: while around 50% of SMBs have experienced some sort of cybercrime in the USA, 60% of them have gone out of business within the following six months.

Failing to execute ongoing vulnerability assessments causes businesses to lose sensitive information to fraudsters. It, in turn, can lead to catastrophic repercussions, such as negative brand equity, lower rate of customer retention, and more.

That said, with fraudsters involved in increasingly intricate schemes today, performing vulnerability assessment is a no-brainer, explains Rootshell Security.

According to the company, a combination of a vulnerability scanning system and pen testing followed by continuous vulnerability management is critical to identifying and thwarting security flaws in their infancy.

While vulnerability scanners automate the network scanning process, with pen testing, security teams can leverage manual techniques to simulate multi-layer attacks and always stay on top of security threats, the company explains.

On the other hand, an intelligence-driven vulnerability management system provides IT security teams with a framework for gaining complete control and visibility of their threat landscape.

Rootshell Security stresses the importance of leveraging a highly scalable vulnerability assessment system in speeding up each stage of the vulnerability management process–from prioritization and delegation all the way through streamlining remediation.

For instance, Prism Platform by Rootshell Security is a vendor-agnostic vulnerability assessment tool that can efficiently manage the vulnerability lifecycle of even the most complicated digital infrastructure using industry benchmarks.

“Prism Platform is our vendor-neutral platform that helps you implement modern and effective vulnerability management programs, reducing mean-time-to-remediate by up to 61%,” explains a spokesperson from Rootshell Security.

Additionally, by consolidating real-time reports from pen testing and third-party assessment tools into a single standardized database, Prism makes repetitive cyber threat remediation processes highly redundant.

Closely aligned with Gartner(R) Vulnerability Management Cycle, Prism combines vulnerability assessment data with data-based threat intelligence that offers easily discernible security risk scores. The result is prompt assessment, prioritization, and mitigation of security flaws that pose an imminent threat to the organization, claims the company.

When asked about Rootshell’s flagship product, one customer said, “Prism Platform has given us a new level of visibility of our remediation efforts. As well as integrating our global network of security teams, it has simplified, and even removed, otherwise time-consuming processes.”

Interested parties can learn more about Rootshell Security’s guide to effective vulnerability assessment at

Rootshell Security
200 Cedarwood, Crockford Lane
Chineham Business Park
United Kingdom

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